1. Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life.
2. Promote and support active membership in the Christian community.
3. Call and prepare adults to act as disciples in mission to the world.
Our Hearts Were Burning within Us
(1990) Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community
A primary resource for all involved in adult catechesis. Designed to encourage the sharing of insights and resources necessary for carrying out the catechesis of adults.
(1999) Our Hearts Were Burning within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Formation in the United States
Primary Resources: Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Additional resources: The Compendium to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, Our Hearts Were Burning within Us, the documents of the Second Vatican Council, recent papal encyclicals, and documents of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The office of Evangelization and Catechesis is available to discuss and recommend additional resources for adults. (see the National Directory , no. 48 A.3)
Diocese of Corpus Christi
University Partnerships for Online Adult Formation
Catholic Distance University
Franciscan University Catechetical Institute